We would love your support on this really important day 💜 ! ➡️ [Product Hunt direct link] ⬅️
We know it’s sometimes difficult to write from scratch so here’s a bit of inspiration to help you share our launch on social media. Thanks tons !
Here’s what you can do to help:
👏 Support us on Product Hunt and give us your feedback ➡️ [Product Hunt URL] ⬅️
➡️ Here a few elements to play and mix Comments are a HUGE boost. You can write your own, and if so, feel free to ask questions & get excited about [company name]. Here are few messaging elements you can include:
Product value proposition
Product key feature 1
Product key feature 2
Product feedback already collected
Company vision + values
➡️ Want to see some comments to find ideas? Those comments come from Product Hunt or Twitter pages
Comment 1
Fantastic comment from a great user that can inspire new ones